Now that summer has arrived in full force, homeowners all over the country are depending on their AC’s more than ever, but like every other complicated mechanical device, your air conditioning system’s lifespan is finite, and when the time comes, you are going to find yourself having to look around at replacement options.

However, determining when the right time is to go ahead and start looking at replacement options isn’t always the easiest thing to do. While you can wait until your system stops working entirely, doing so is only going to wind up leaving you and your family stuck in the heat while you wait for a professional to come out and replace your Treasure Coast home’s old unit. The better option is to be on the lookout for the signs that your system’s failure is close at hand, and invest in a replacement when is more convenient for you and your family. What are the signs you should be on the lookout for? To help answer that question, our team of skilled professionals have taken the time to put together this short list highlighting several of the most common signs that your Treasure Coast AC is due for a replacement.
Your System Is Older Than 10 Years
When properly maintained, most air conditioning systems have an average lifespan of between 10 and 15 years. However, if you haven’t been keeping up with your system’s maintenance, or your system has had a serious mechanical issue during its life, that time-frame could actually be much shorter. If your system is nearing 10 years in age, or has already surpassed that number, it is probably in your best interest to start looking at replacement options to be prepared, especially if your system doesn’t seem to be performing like it once did, or seems to have continuous mechanical issues popping up.
More Frequent Breakdowns
While mechanical issues happen from time to time, they should ideally be few and far between if you are giving your system the kind of maintenance it needs to perform well. That being said, if you notice that your system seems like it is experiencing mechanical issues more and more often, regardless of maintenance, it likely means there is a defect within the unit itself, and it might be a more cost effective option to go ahead and look at replacing the old unit as opposed to continuing to pour money into repairs time and time again.
Your Energy Bills Keep Getting Higher
While it isn’t uncommon for energy bills to go up a bit as we get further into summer, it is a good idea to keep a close eye on them to look out for increases that are out of the norm. While higher energy bills might not be a cause for concern when a heat wave comes through the area, if your energy bills are getting noticeably higher this summer compared to last summer, and there hasn’t been a change in the way you use your system, it could indicate that your system is in need of replacement. Generally, your system is only going to get more and more inefficient over time, and replacing it early as opposed to waiting can actually save you a great deal of money in additional energy costs over the long run.