Are you familiar with indoor air quality? Indoor air quality (IAQ for short) is essentially how clean the air in your home is. Considering we spend a good amount of time indoors, we obviously want the air we breathe to be high in quality. Unfortunately, the EPA has found indoor air pollution to be the second biggest health hazard to humans.
When it comes to IAQ, education is key. Here are eight interesting IAQ-related links for your weekend.
1. The EPA’s simple guide to IAQ in homes.
2. 4 simple ways to improve indoor air quality.
3. Replacing your air filter regularly helps improve your IAQ.
4. Love houseplants? Here are 3 houseplants that can boost your home’s IAQ.
5. Think you know everything there is to know about indoor air quality? Test you IAQ knowledge with this quiz.
6. Poor indoor air quality can trigger allergies.
7. 10 scary facts about indoor air quality.
8. A scary statistic: 4.3 million people die from household air pollution each year.
Want to learn more about IAQ and how you can boost the quality of the air in your home? Contact the HVAC professionals at SeaCoast Air Conditioning. We offer a variety of products and services that can help. Give us a call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.