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Are Air Fresheners Safe?

Many of us love having a signature scent for our home. From a “rainy meadow,” to a “tropical delight,” we seek out that one scent that matches our styles and personalities. However, while we love these smells, very few of us actually take the time to think: “is this safe?”

According to the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), nearly 75 percent of American homes use some type of air freshener. However, relatively few of us know what is in these air fresheners we spray around our homes. Find out what types of chemicals are hidden in air fresheners and how you can protect your home’s air.

The National Resource Defense Council Study

In 2007, the NRDC released a study that sparked a public debate about the safety of air fresheners. In their study, they examined 14 different types of air fresheners found at a national drug store.

Of the air fresheners they studied, they found that the majority of them contained dangerous chemicals that were not disclosed on the products’ packaging. Mainly, they found the presence of phthalates, a chemical used as a plastic softener and to hold fragrances. Phthalates has been linked with both developmental and reproductive problems, especially in younger children.

Immediately after this study came out, three of the air fresheners highlighted in the study were pulled from stores. However, there are still air fresheners out there that contain phthalates.

Other Dangerous Chemicals in Air Fresheners

Even air fresheners that do not contain phthalates still have some pretty dangerous chemicals. Most store bought air fresheners have at least traces of formaldehyde, petrochemicals, p-dichlorobenzene and aerosol pollutants. That’s why the Environmental Protection Agency has listed them as one of their top indoor air pollutants.

Protect Your Home’s Air

The best way to keep your air smelling great while still being safe is with all natural, or DIY air fresheners. Many stores now sell products that are 100 percent safe for your home and your family. And you can always try some homemade potpourri!

And for year round air protection, make sure you have your air conditioner cleaned regularly by SeaCoast. A clean AC means safe indoor air. Just give us a call today or go online to schedule your appointment.

To keep your HVAC system running at its best its very important to make sure that you change your air filters on a regular basis. At SeaCoast, we aim to make it easy by providing your with a great source to buy your air filters online.
3 Steps You Should Take To Troubleshoot Your Air Conditioner Before Calling SeaCoast Air.
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