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How to Get Alone Time in a House Full of Guests

Having holiday guests is fun. You’re surrounded by great conversation, you can cook meals and treats that you might not make for your family alone, and the fun activities never seem to stop! There’s just one problem: alone time is in short supply, and for many introverts in particular, that can be a recipe for exhaustion. Here are some tips for anyone looking to get some personal time, even with guests in the house this winter:

Trade Off With a Spouse

Even if they’re technically “your” guests, you don’t have to be the one to entertain them the entire time they’re with you, especially if they are staying for more than a couple of days. Try enlisting your spouse, your roommate or children to entertain your guests for a little while so that you can slip off to be alone.

Run an Errand

It doesn’t have to be a long errand to give you a little bit of time alone. Run to the grocery store to pick up a small addition to dinner and spend some time driving around. Go out to pay a bill and take a walk in the park by yourself before you come home. Even a little bit of time to yourself can be enough to help you recharge.

Suggest an Evening of Reading or Watching TV

You and your guests don’t have to be engaged in high-energy activities the entire time you’re together. Instead, pull out a good book or a movie and settle in for the evening. In fact, your guests might be grateful for a break in the pace, too!

Get up Early or Stay up Late

Being awake when your guests aren’t is the perfect opportunity to have a little time to yourself. Which one is necessary will depend on your guest: some will stay up late with you if you don’t wander on to bed, but if you can slip out of bed in the morning while they sleep in, you can have some quiet time before your guests make it out of bed.

Happy Holidays from SeaCoast Air Conditioning and Heating!

We know how stressful houseguests can be, especially around the holidays. To keep you and your guests comfortable this Christmas, SeaCoast Air Conditioning and Heating is there for all of your AC needs. Contact us today or schedule an appointment online at your convenience.

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