A programmable thermostat is a very useful tool that can help you conserve energy with your home’s HVAC system. It is designed to automate temperature changes in your home so that you don’t have to remember to make manual adjustments your own. However, in order to maximize the benefit of this device, it is important to properly program it. Learn how you can get the most out of your programmable thermostat here.
How to Schedule Temperature Adjustments
Programming your thermostat is a necessary step to take if you want to automate temperature adjustments in your home. This can prevent you from paying extra money to cool your home when no one will be there for several hours or more. To develop a temperature schedule, think about the times of day when your home is empty. Also, consider if your family typically is too warm or too cold at night while sleeping. Many thermostats can accommodate up to six adjustments per day, which gives you great flexibility to customize your home’s temperature for maximum savings.
How Much to Adjust the Temperature
Many people wonder how much they should adjust the temperature setting in a programmable thermostat when they are going to be away from home for several hours or more. For considerable savings try adjusting your thermostat so that it is five to seven degrees warmer than usual. However, you should automate a reduction in temperature for at least 30 minutes before you are scheduled to come home every day to avoid discomfort.
When to Make Seasonal Changes
As the seasons change, you should reprogram your thermostat. Some thermostats have different settings for both the air conditioning component and the heating component. If yours does not, keep in mind that you will most likely want to program lower temperatures during the day when you are out of the house during the winter and warmer temperatures during the summer for energy savings.
Learn More Ways to Save Energy at SeaCoast Air Conditioning
SeaCoast Air Conditioning has been serving the local community with quality HVAC services since 1982. If you’d like to learn how to best utilize your thermostat, or you’re looking to learn more ways to conserve energy, contact us today or schedule an appointment online.