There is perhaps no better way to get into the holiday spirit than to set up a live Christmas tree in your house, but could having a pine tree in your living room be making you sick? A lot of people think so. In fact, they even have a name for it: Christmas tree syndrome.
What is Christmas Tree Syndrome?
Christmas tree syndrome is essentially an allergic reaction to a Christmas tree. The symptoms are similar to the kind of cold that people tend to get in the winter and include a runny nose, itchy eyes, head congestion and headaches. Some people also develop rashes, often a sure sign of an allergic reaction. The reason why this happens is because of the mold that grows on live pine trees. One study found that simply placing a live Christmas tree in a home increased its mold count from 800 spores per cubic meter of air to 5,000 spores per cubic meter.
Maintaining Your HVAC System
As dire as this sounds, it doesn’t mean that you should forget about getting a Christmas tree this December. You can still have a beautiful live tree in your living room, but you should take extra precautions to keep the mold problem to a minimum. Washing a tree and spraying it down with a mild bleach solution will help remove mold, and keeping your windows open for at least 15 minutes a day will help get rid of any spores that may be in your home already. However, the best way to improve the air quality of your home is to make sure your HVAC system is in good working order.
Indoor Air Quality Protection
Your HVAC system does more than just keep your home at a comfortable temperature; it can remove mold and other pollutants from the air and help keep you healthy. It does require regular maintenance if it is to work properly though, so make sure you call an HVAC professional now to schedule a maintenance appointment to boost your indoor air quality. You should also be checking your system’s air filters once a month and replacing them as needed.
Contact SeaCoast Air Conditioning & Heating Today
If you still need to schedule a maintenance appointment with a trusted HVAC professional, contact SeaCoast Air Conditioning & Heating today. Our family owned and operated business serves families in the Treasure Coast region, and we will be more than happy to assist you with any problems you may have with your heating and air conditioning system. Call us today or schedule an appointment online.